Asymmetric nylons…

I always know where to find you
tightly packed away in a dusty chest
at the far end of things that didn’t go to plan
I still recall the view late at night
and yet the room is a distant blur of nylons
crisp cider and munchies
our hunger was insatiable
nourished finally by the morning breakfast
and then, you fell beneath
the stampede of regret? Or panic perhaps?
And so the tide washed away the scent
and you shuttered down the doors,
absentmindedly hitting like from one
year to the next as you wander through
your days.

Karen Hayward ©2020 image and words

Feel me as I become the waves…


Feel not the strength of my force
but the depth of my passion.
Feel me as I pull you under
the air pulled from your lungs
as I circle your body.
Feel me as you sink further in,
your eye’s lost in mine as I create a cyclone of desire.
Feel me as I devour your soul in one single wave of ecstasy.
Feel me as I wrap myself around your body,
feel me as excitement builds,
Feel me as my energy rises,
Fell me as my strength recovers,
Feel me as I explode against you in orgasmic rush.
Feel the depth of my passion as I pull you under.

Karen Hayward. 2015© Image and words.

Happiness spilling between the hues

Happiness comes in many hues
Arboured within the heart.
Pensive need slaving for lust
Passion ignites upon the whispers of
Your voice.
Beyond miles,
Insistent pounding within, an echo,
Rhythm beating in
Time to yours.
Heart whispering secrets by
Day, by night telling me I
Can I kiss you, caress you
And devour the essence of your passion?
Reality is dispersed in my fantasies
Lost in love, in lust, in need I am
Open, my soul embracing the
Seconds we are together.
Love, lust, longing,
Only you my soul see’s
Veering to a halt
My love,

Karen Hayward ©2017
Image and words

Porcelain kisses


Let me fall into pools
of darkness kissed by golden
rays of the falling sun
and peer momentarily
into your soul.
Stroke your fingers
across the soft curve
of my neck, feel the
delicate essence of
my porcelain skin
beneath your wandering
Hands as you grasp me
within your hold.
Pull me into your torso
let me feel the beating of
your heart as your arms
press into me and your
lips search for the
tender kisses that fall
between carnal need,
between abandonment
between love and lust
and desirous want.
Hold me, tight,
within the realm
of always, whilst our
bodies merge, and
our lips search and
our tongues explore
the taste of one another’s

Karen Hayward ©2017 Image and words

Melodious waltz

A tune so subtle,
melodious energy
igniting in each note,
Twirling a tango,
Willing a waltz
the clumsy stepping
of my whimsical
soul, bells
ringing to Pans beat.
A rhythm
of ancient telling
Lust rising,
love swelling.
And his soul knows my tune,
whistles a perfect song
Plays my body like a flute,
fingers teasing,
Lips caressing,
tongue defining…
And he is the drummer
My skin, his instrument
He beats in rapid strokes
A deep chorus of pleasure
Spilling across atoms..
And he is the saxophone
songs of old dancing
among raindrops
as the moon kisses
my skin…
And he is the song
the beat,
the rhythm
the silence
the rise the fall…
For he is the one
that knows
the ancient
of my soul..
He is my
of love,
my piano music
Ebony and ivory
in perfect

Karen Hayward ©2018
Image found via wordpress library

Commands the demands

… His words taste like the outer corners of lust, coveted by dark shadows. A curse of black mist rising in me. If I am the succubus then he is my master, puppeteering my desire, fingering my needs to his command. His touch is the black leather choker at my slender neck. His voice the liberating echo of passion that lubricates my strings….and in his eyes is the promise of a million kisses, each one new, deep, purposeful. Each kiss overflowing with lust, each kiss a binding promise of trust, each kiss an exchange of power… And if I am his succubus, a vessel of need then he is my master and from him alone I feed, for there in his kisses, his touch and his eyes, is an abundance of love filling my skies.

Karen Hayward ©2018
Image found on Pinterest.

Black leather and kissing red… 

Black leather and kissing red 

Will you bind me in tomorrow’s kisses
Translucent skin bare against black leather
Squirming, pleading, alost in your wishes
tender lips, grazing, as soft as feathers. 

Come, lose yourself in eyes of innocence,
fingers entwined between flaming red curls
Pushing, pulling, testing my resilience
Skillfully guiding, inner she unfurls. 

encapsulating her essence in hues
Technicolour, tickled fingers trailing
between Celestial beats arousing you
And passions burning fires truly flaming

A rare puzzle piece beyond defining
Would you embrace the effort refining.
Karen Hayward ©2018

Image found on Google.