My coca cola float.

It still amazes me, to watch us grow,
Telling you things that only i know.
And if I could put into words
What you are to me
This is what they would be…
Popping candy, chocolate and cream,
Flying leaves and a flowing stream,
Screams of pleasure,
And words at leisure.
A midnight moon,
A rose that blooms.
A sugar high,
The eagle that flies.
A puzzle done a thousand times,.
The echoing sound of nothing,
My out of tune voice as i sing.
The list has no end,
My dear, dear friend.
If i could put into words, what you are to me,
i’d show you a reflection,
of you,
and say,
see what i see.

Stagnation, the future of the cloned unknown. -Promote Yourself

Thanks again 🙂


I try to understand. 
These tainted thoughts
that threaten
To possess my broken, 
But I merely find…
Desire that awakens me,
that will one
fill me with such despair,
That I may,
No longer care.
I thought,
I had
tried so
Hard to keep
You at a far.
But I never did,
I never hid, 
I let you
In to explore,
I wanted more.
Choices, the undeniable
Evolutionary voices. 
It cannot be
To not make the decision ever,
Is an involuntary request
To the universe to
What has been given,
The offering of desire,
Of taste, of chaotic
Frenzied abandonment,
with the indecision
Of a caged mind, bound
By a soulless
Karen A Hayward.

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All i never wanted.

I never wanted children.
I wanted late nights and plenty of sleep.
I wanted to work.
I wanted to eat,
I was selfish, I see.
But not entirely.
I just wanted to be.
I wanted more,
Wisdom at my door,
So I lived and loved,
Till I knew the score.
I had a dream,
I have a dream,
I wanted to look after the mean,
the broken the unwanted, awoken.
I wanted to love
The rough
And the tough.
If only for a moment,
to show them
They are enough.
I wanted to foster,
Not bear my own,
The broken seeds
That were sown,
the souls dealt
Life’s harsh hand,
I wanted to show them
they were more than
Grains of sand.
That slipped through
The fingers of
Unknown faces,
The cracks in the paper,
The educated carers
Without their own life

I burn the flames that light my way.

At first,
i did wonder how
you had crept in
through the maze of poison ivy.
Soft whispers that had resonated with my spirit.
But now I see,
that the spirit is filled with interwoven paths.
Wake one and another will feed from the energy,
until all paths are lit with the burning flames of essence. It’s not you igniting them, although you are inviting them,
it’s me with flame in hand, ready again to walk the land.