Floral golden shower.

The fallen petals of the red rose
of love, passion that burns deeper
than desire. The rush of crimson blood.
Lust on your glistening lips
sin on your finger tips.
The reason why the soul tears and rips,
Why your heart beat rises and dips,
the cause of your hardened dick.
The soft scent of the rain drenched rose,
floral sweetness that only your soul knows
naked petals falling to the ground,
decadence, perfection found
in the crimson petals that fall from the flower,
floral scented in summers golden shower.

Karen Hayward ©2016

5 thoughts on “Floral golden shower.

  1. I like this. “Golden shower” in the title and at the end tips the reading in an odd way for me, being in the context of erotica a particular phrase, yet it’s an enjoyable, passion-filled read. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you gj…can I call you gj? :-)….I wanted the golden shower reference to be subtle, I wanted it to represent a lack of inhibitions whilst also keeping the poem…beautiful :-).


      1. Yes, you may call me GJ. I also go by James (the “J” in GJ) but when it comes to talented writers like yourself, I’ll answer to anything! 🙂

        The reference was indeed subtle. I feel silly for even saying anything (sometimes I can’t stop my fingers from typing)!

        I’m intrigued by the idea of Summer’s golden showers revealing the erotic inhibitions of Nature. adds a whole new dimension to the experience of lying in a sun-drenched field, for sure!


      2. James, thank you James :)I love that you mentioned it, it is always a fear that I may have made something to subtle, i’m pleased you picked up on it. And please always feel free to comment about my writing, we only learn when we interact 🙂
        sniggering over here now I have the image of a sun drenched golden field in my head 🙂 🙂 Thanks James. I’m Karen.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Ha! Yes! Thanks, Karen. I always like to be careful. Some writers are very sensitive! Glad I can speak my mind with you (and likewise, of course).
        Hey, you’re across the pond aren’t you? Someone once told me that over there “GJ” is some kind of slang for some thing or another (I never got a good read on exactly what). Any ideas?


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