Play as one upon the skies lustrous bed


I sit beneath a clear infinite
sky, stars whisper in dancing echos
of twilights illuminated symphony.
I ponder beyond known space,
darkness that consumes all
the black that gives light.
Flesh gained value.
Kisses became intimacy.

I would dust you from my skin
If not for this new desire.
You give heart to fire.
Flames fuelling an ancient call
days of past etched scribblings
upon my soul, the shattered
remains of porcelain and
spilled milk, puzzle pieces
lost to Satan’s soldiers.

Yet, here I am, not yesterdays
Image or tomorrows dream.
Broken, yes and yet in your arms
my imperfect flaws play flawlessly
within your embrace, liberated
within this protective space.

In a world where I am nothing,
my worth scratched from
existence, I pause within
our self made Utopia knowing
here I am everything and something.

I listen to the stars symphony, love
twinkling on each note, desire
darkens the back drop, they play as one upon the skies lustrous bed
of infinite depth, dark gives way
to light and love becomes aflame
upon the devil’s carnal bite.

Karen Hayward (c) 2017

Image found on pinterest

3 thoughts on “Play as one upon the skies lustrous bed

  1. Have to say, it’s one of your more accessible ones lately. It works on levels…. I like it when you rethink, and work them to this polish.

    Safe. Nice.Kept me on-board. X

    Liked by 1 person

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